Just happened onto your site via a font search – it terrific and lots of fun! I found several here that I loved. Could you please tell me the font used for “scrapbook” in your “free scrapbook fonts” header? It’s very similar to my own handwriting, so I’d love to get it.
at 10:43:48 am
thanks 4 publish all the font .
at 5:00:33 pm
Just happened onto your site via a font search – it terrific and lots of fun! I found several here that I loved. Could you please tell me the font used for “scrapbook” in your “free scrapbook fonts” header? It’s very similar to my own handwriting, so I’d love to get it.
at 11:11:22 pm
I have a mac powerbook I’m having a hard time using this font on blogger. Can someone help out?